A regular Yoga practice is good for body, mind and spirit. At Kombat, we use various forms to further support your fitness journey
Regular Yoga practice is good for the body, mind and spirit. At Kombat, we use various forms to support your fitness journey further.
Amongst many other benefits, practising yoga improves athletic performance:
increases flexibility;
increases muscle strength and muscle tone;
improves respiration, energy and vitality;
supports weight reduction;
reduces the risk of injuries;
focuses your mind.

Yoga is fun, tones your whole body and can be an effective weight loss tool. Practising yoga consistently at least twice a week can lower your stress levels by reducing the stress hormone cortisol. This hormone is one of the main culprits for weight gain because it prompts your body to store fat. It also sends signals to your brain to crave glucose (sugar), which often leads to very unhealthy food choices.
The combination of deep breathing and stretching also enhances lymph circulation. This enables a better detoxification process and gives a boost to your immune system. Through Yoga, you also develop a better mind-body awareness which helps to make healthier choices in your diet and lifestyle.
Yoga is an ideal activity to compensate for the efforts expended in sports requiring both speed and strength. The different postures and sequences increase your flexibility and mobilize and strengthen your muscular system from head to toe. In addition, Yoga also reduces muscle soreness. Mixed Martial Arts training routines are increasingly incorporating Yoga into their schedule.
Coordination, physical awareness and inner as well as outer balance are all important parts of a fighter’s skill set. A regular yoga practice also improves concentration and presence of mind which can give you mental superiority over your opponent.